Shooting Star

Evocation 0

Casting Time: action

Range: 60’

Duration: Instantaneous

Components: S, M (a raw meteorite)

You evoke a memory within a meteorite the speed and power it once had. It ignites in one last blaze of glory. It travels in a straight line from the magic-user, striking the first object or creature in its path and dealing 1d6 piercing to its target (no save) and 1d6 fire damage to all creatures within 5’ of the path to the target (dexterity save for half).

At Higher Levels. For each spell level above 0, the meteorite inflicts 1d6 more piercing and fire damage. If the piercing damage reduces the hit points of the target to 0, it pierces through the target and strikes the next target in its path, as if it were 1 spell level less.