Divination 1
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: touch
Duration: instantaneous
Components: S, M (a spherical pearl)
Without the power to identify, a wizard-arcanist would be nearly impotent: they would not be able to add the spells of other wizards to their repertoire, nor utilize magic items found without their properties neatly listed on an explanatory tablet. With a single use of this spell, you can identify a magic item with a single property or decipher the text of a 1st level spell.
Spells are always encoded by their author, to read one with identify you must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check equal to the author’s intelligence + their proficiency bonus. If targeting a wondrous item, make a Wisdom check for each item property against the save DC of the item or 10, if no DC is specified. Success means that you read the spell without assistance or that you learn a property of the item. Whether you succeed or fail, your strength is taxed, inflicting three levels of exhaustion. Identifying an item or text does not normally activate magic contained within, though it may procure curses or traps placed upon them.
At Higher Levels. You can decipher spells at the same level at which you cast the identify spell. For each spell slot level above 1st, you can decipher another property of a magic item without casting the spell again.