Glyph (Arcane)
Ritual 3
Casting Time: 24 hours
Range: touch
Duration: see description
Components: V, S, M (ritual tools)
You impart your arcane sigil some of your power, creating a permanent magical effect on a place or item and acting continuously or in reaction to some condition set out at the time of casting. By casting one of the following spells during the ritual: bluelight, damping, warm, sleep spell, audible glamor, defense against the mysteries, waking dream, slow spell, pass from sight, see the unseen, and waking dream, each can be made permanent (imparting their effects within the radius of the glyph, up to the range of the spell; eg. an observatory might confer the benefits of see the unseen to those bearing the proper arcane sigil). Glamors with limited numbers of uses, such as sleep or defense only function a number of times equal to their uses at the time they were cast.
You may find more uses for glyphs at the referee’s discretion, preferably requiring additional time, tools, rare components, and knowledge. For example, proficiency in smith’s tools coupled with common magic might allow one to enchant a sword.