Common Magic
Evocation 1
Casting Time: special
Range: touch
Duration: special
Components: S
No matter how impressive or powerful other magic is, the power to craft and gain insight on technology remains the most commonly sought array of powers among arcanists. When you expend a spell point, you can impart one of the following effects on an item you craft, modify, or repair:
You can craft or repair the item in half the time.
You can craft or repair the item with half the normal tools.
A modified, crafted, or repaired machine has a 10% increase in its output.
You increase the statistics (HP, Str, AC, etc) of a machine or construct by 10%, rounded to the nearest whole number, or by +1.
At Higher Levels. For each spell level above 1, you can add one more effect or the same effect to a given item. Thus, a level 2 expenditure would allow one to craft an item in 1/4 the time. If you later cast this spell on an item that already has a permanent benefit, you must cast it at a higher level or lose the extent benefit.