
Ritual 1

Casting Time: 1+ hrs

Range: touch

Duration: instantaneous

Components: V, S, M (1 set of ritual tools)

You can perform religious ceremonies, strengthening the mana of those involved. The material component, in all cases, requires offerings to the ancestors of the community (as such, it does not function for submarines and the like). 

Atonement. You touch one willing person who has negative mana with respect to a community, and make a DC20 Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, you raise their mana to 0 or 1.

Coming of Age. You create a trial for a young humanoid to endure, allowing them to add 1d4 to any ability check they make for the next 7 days in pursuit of the trial. If successful, their mana increases by 1. 

Dedication. You induct one willing person into the service of the gods and the dead. Their mana increases by 1 with respect to your community.

Funeral Rites. A corpse you target can no longer become undead. 

Wedding/Declaration of Communion. You bind 2 people together, making their mana communal, and increasing their mana in their home communities by 1.