Audible Glamor
Illusion 1
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 120’
Duration: concentration, indefinite
Components: S, M (a flask of oil let out into the water)
The arcanist, by commanding the energy present in the environment, can cause sound to arise within range. During the duration, the arcanist may change the set of ongoing sounds as an action. The volume of the sound is limited, however, to that of 2 persons, which doubles for each additional spell level (4, 8, 16, and 32 persons at 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels, respectively). 4 persons are the equivalent to a sound from a large creature or machine, 8 is equivalent to a huge creature, and 16 includes the largest natural creatures: the roars of a dragon, for example. This glamor can be cast with the same action and concentration one uses to cast Waking Dream. The material component is a flask of oil let out into the water or, on land, a bit of wool.
At Higher Levels. See above.